Saturday, December 31, 2016

My GPS by Doris Lakey

I don’t have a GPS AP on my phone, but that’s not a problem. I have one that is infallible;
not dependent on a satellite in the sky. It’s called the Bible.

It knows where I am going and as long as I pay attention I'm sure to arrive at my true
destination,  neither too early nor too late. Sometimes when I take my eye off it, I get blown
off course. When skies are cloudy, I may have to take a second look to get my bearings,
but my System never goes down, and it offers virus protection against unholy interference.
Its voice never gets drowned out by raucous noises around me.

I never have to worry about where I am going go as long as I trust it and follow its lead.
And it has a lifetime warranty, is never out of service, will never break down, just when I
need it desperately, and there will be no trips to the repair shop, no repair costs, ever. 

Like the American Express television commercial says, never leave home without it.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Perfecy Gift




                                                     Keep            Gods

                                                Christmas            Wisdom

                                            In your heart            Can answer

                                        Each day, all year           Any questions,

                                      Everywhere  you  go,           His eternal love

                                   To  everyone  you meet,           Can fulfill any need,

                           Spread the spirit of Christmas--          God's  unlimited  power

                     Perfect love,peace,joy and good will--          Has created and keeps all things

                  Freely    given,   without    measuring;           All good gifts come from His loving hand;

             The more you give, the more you will receive.           His  eternal  presence  rewards  true faith.    

                                    THE PERFECT GIFT

Sunday, December 11, 2016

IN OTHER WORDS--- by Doris Lakey

A line from a famous poet says "A rose by any other name smells as sweet".

I recalled that line when Dr. David Jeremiah spoke about Christmas this morning.  Some folks jump through hoops to avoid calling it what it is: a reference to Christ, Savior of the world.

If they say holiday, I would remind them it's a modern reference to Holy Day.

If they say yuletide, it was once referred to as 12 Days of Christmas or Feast of the Nativity.

If seasonal holiday, I know Jesus came in His season, in the fullness of God's time.

If Santa Claus, I remember Saint Nicholas in Myra, Turkey in the 4th century, famous for giving.

If gift-giving is mentioned,, I remember the Magi from the East who gave Jesus His first gifts

If they write Xmas, I know "X" in Greek is "CHI", first letter of the alphabet and symbol for Christ.

Singing seasonal songs remind me of the great heavenly choir of angels over Bethlehem.

If they refer to Hanukkah, the Bible calls Jesus the Light of the World, come to seek and save the lost, as the personification an fulfillment of the Jewish menorah in the ancient temple..

Jesus has been called Emannuel, Savior, Counsellor, Creator, Healer. Deliverer, Lord, and He is all of these and more.

Friday, December 2, 2016


With the sun for a footstool and wearing
A crown studded with a thousand stars,
Midst adoring legions of celestial beings,  
Sat on His throne in Heaven and
Looked down to ponder my fate.

When He thought of the only way
To alter my well-earned destiny,
He left clouds of angels at Heavens gate.
For me, He became a child, born in a stable;
To Heaven's dismay, He paid the price Justice
Required to win my pardon.

And I wonder at the trade He made;
All grandeur exchanged for the debt He paid, for me,
When He allowed His Glory to fade,
Deserted His majesty for a bed of straw;
I'm humbled and filled with awe
That my heart is the manger He chose, that
Because I make room for Him inside,
It's where He now chooses to reside.


Under no circumstances do I wish you a happy holiday.
You can try that if you prefer,but YULE be missing the
point of the occasion
                 (see above)