No matter how we try, it’s difficult to avoid the unseen strings connected to a major gift, knowing the recipients will resent any wisdom or advice we feel entitled to give, since we now have a financial stake in their well-being. Somehow from their viewpoint, however casually they manage their problem, ineptly letting our gift slip through their fingers and then getting into deeper trouble, they are always absolutely sure we have no right to offer an opinion about their lifestyle and attitudes.
Probably almost everybody knows someone like this, family member or friend; the parable of the ant and grasshopper has been around for ages. How do we keep the relationship alive when resentment burns our hearts? And yet, because of their total inability to cope with life through insanity or addictions, many of us seem destined to relive this situation again and again because refusal hurts even more.
I wonder though; is this how God feels when we ask Him for just one more thing we want instead of what we need?
How do we avoid sinning in this situation? If we respond with anger and resentment after our gifts go unappreciated, given from an unselfish heart, we're behaving no better than the ungrateful wretch we're complaining about. Either we're giving freely and unselfishly or we're giving to get gratitude and gold stars in heaven. Surprise! If we can't give with an open hand, no strings attached, we're giving away the gold stars we thought we earned.
Jesus sais, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' Matthew24:25
Maybe the answer is to think of it as a gift to the One who gave all for us.