Just think what a thrill it will be to meet even one person, your favorite that you’ve read about in your Bible! To ask Elijah how his faith could have been so quickly swallowed up by fear for his safety just after he had called down rain, then fire from heaven to consume his sacrifice to the Living God after the hundreds of heathen priests had failed! Or to thank Mary for her meek obedience to God’s call to bring forth the Savior who redeemed us all.
And to greet old friends, whom you now learn to your surprise and joy, did not ignore your fervent words about this Lamb of God who gave Himself to share eternity with anyone who asked.
This world and all its challenges, pain and fears will fade from your memory and seeing loved ones you had been missing, even visits with the wise King Solomon or Paul, who brought, for the first time, Life to Gentiles—all these thrills will pale at sight of Christ Jesus, who loved us so. I can hardly wait!