And you can be sure, nobody wanted to sit on their hands and listen to everybody else brag about their special attention from God that week without taking your turn—heaven forbid you couldn’t think of anything more wonderful than all your neighbors said about all God was doing for them--you might be tempted to make up something good so the others wouldn’t think you’d fallen away from the faith or were caught up in sin so God stopped talking to you. Talk about plain old red-faced blushing! That would tip them off for sure that your heart wasn't in the battle.
That's the kind of peer pressure this world needs now, challenging each other to be the best we can be.
Seriously though, it was actually a sweet time of rejoicing and sharing about God’s active presence in our little congregation. The point is, when you’re looking for it, you can think back and see God’s hand smoothing your path. Practicing awareness of God’s daily presence builds faith for those inevitable difficult times when you can expect your faith to be tested and tests are usually uncomfortable; some are life changing.
God never takes a day off, leaving us on our own when trouble comes. He certainly is due for praises as we recount to one another what God has done and is doing in our own lives. He certainly appreciates a thankful heart in His children as we give Him credit for good things happening instead of bragging as though we alone are responsible for our successes or even worse: our “good luck”.
Practicing the presence of God means acknowledging His presence, talking to Him as you go through your day, as you would speak to friends or co-workers. Is that what it means when the Bible tells us to "pray without ceasing"? Nothing much going on this particular day? There’s always the weather to talk about, the sunshine warming your face or the cool breeze and fresh smell after a rain shower. Or what about the traffic jam this morning? No one got killed, and you can thank Him for that less traumatizing outcome and ask Him to provide quick healing for the stranger in the ambulance as it passes you.
On a plain, boring day, talk to Him about something He created that you particularly enjoy or contemplate with Him the beauty and complexity of His various creations for our pleasure or use. Sharing some of the good things you experience with God could strengthen someone else's faith or encourage the to be more aware of His presence. He's here, right beside you--don't ignore Him. Enjoy the companionship.