I love cafeterias--so many choices, so small a tray! They don't expect you to pick one of everything obviously, but they try to make every item displayed to tempt you with something new, to try something exciting. But our goal should be to choose something wholesome and affordable, rather than being influenced by their goal of profits from fattening, empty calories. And everything on the menu probably won't be something you would enjoy, so you're free to ignore those items.
Some folks like to worship the same way: If the preacher says something they find threatening to their lifestyle choices, they are apt to say (on their way out the church door) "I couldn't worship a God who....." or "He meant that rule for those heathens who lived back then, not for civilized people today." These people read some rules for living and may decide the writer is being too harsh and put away their Bible because it causes them to be uncomfortable, to enjoy a little less their night out on the town. That's probably a good thing, but they don't agree!
Some turn away from its words because they refuse to believe something they don't understand.
Some of these folks who seldom dip into their Bible find ne subject matter elsewhere more sophisticated, modern. These new ideas promise exclusive access to secret knowledge unavailable to less intelligent folks, less discerning than themselves. Lured away from Truth by cotton candy. Truth is not palatable to some people.
Warning: The Bible doesn't need--or permit--us to treat it like a cafeteria, throwing out an uncomfortable truth and, like the cafeteria, it doesn't permit us to bring a sack lunch to add to our meal, changing its meaning to suit our personal taste.
Really now, would you go to a bookstore and bring home a novel by a famous author and start making notes to mail to him to improve his book? His agent liked it, as is. His publisher liked it--he paid good money for the privilege of publishing it, as is. By whose authority do you believe you have the right to change his creation? Your right consists of accepting the book, as is, or rejecting it, as it was written,
Those men chosen by God to write down His words exactly did just that. Many prophecies within these pages have since been fulfilled, proving its truth. Generations have based their lives, trusting and proving the validity of this Book. It will stand above any other book, philosophy or religion--as long as Eternity stands.