Friday, October 16, 2020

My Memory Book


            Most of us survivors of a pre-electronic era have an old photo album that we enjoy occasionally leafing through, remembering many past experiences—some of which seem much sweeter now than while we were in the midst of that uncomfortable or even painful time.

            What do we see about our lives in those pages?

            Some may remember resentment, reliving the pain felt long ago when someone we loved betrayed us. Others may feel sorrow at their own long-ago failure or lost opportunity. A few might reject the album totally, choosing to forget any past day of pain.

            I choose to see a series of “detention days” in my schooling, or bumps in the road of my voyage toward Heaven, days of heightened stress, brought through each one a little stronger than I had been before, by the precious Holy Spirit, who has gone with me step by step. Each time I look back at what I thought was a dark day, it now shines with a glow of eternal love from my Heavenly Father who brought me through many such days, each time with a little less self-pity or resentment or feelings of helplessness, with a stronger faith than the time before.

            There are two choices in life: either go it alone however you want, holding onto old wrongs and repaying all the enemies around you—and there will be many, because you collect and carry them with you as though they were pennies you stuffed in a piggy bank. You can never actually get even with someone who hurt you; you can’t ever get back all the time and energy you wasted hating them. Or maybe you can find something to be learned from that long ago unhappy situation; put ego aside and admit you may have somehow partially created it. Refuse to accept that you are helpless to change. Like Jacob, keep climbing that ladder into Heaven.

             Be joyful when you look back and see His footsteps alongside your own, gently nudging you toward His perfection. You are not yet what you will become, but you have learned and grown stronger and wiser from what you once were. Keep your eyes on Him, Yes! but also remember all the dark days which helped shape who you are today. Remember not the pain, but the sweetness of God’s arm lifting you over the deepest potholes of life, replacing any bitterness from these precious (yes!) memories.


Monday, October 5, 2020

God's Day Off


            When you pray, do you ever feel like God took a holiday? Do you wonder as you pray whether He’s listening? Why do you suppose it sometimes feels like there’s nobody home upstairs? Why do you doubt Him? Who moved; you or God? Maybe you should check your connection.

            When I go into a room and reach for the light switch, I don’t hold my breath in suspense before entering—I walk right in, trusting the light will turn on. That’s what faith is. It’s not as though I were consulting a Ouija Board or rubbing a magic lamp. Or crossing my fingers,  hoping to get lucky. I don’t even pause at the door, working up my nerve to wonder if the light will turn on.

            No, I don’t even slow down! I breeze right through the doorway! That’s faith, Based on prior experience, I’ve learned I can expect consistent response as promised by the electrical engineer ( its creator). Rarely it happens that the light fails to illuminate the room, and I must run through a short list of possible reasons for its failure. Is the lamp plugged in? Is the light bulb burned out? But it could be something not readily defined—a mouse or squirrel chewing wires in the attic or even my forgetting to pay the electric bill—a few times. Ooops! All fixable.

            When you get into your car, do you wonder if it will start? If you have maintained its care following the guidebook written by its manufacturer, you expect it to start. Occasionally, it doesn’t. (Life comes with a guidebook too: the Bible.) Do you assume its life is done or go down a lit of possible problems that could temporarily interfere: Out of gas? Exposure to dirt and dust as it travels the messy road of life can cause battery problems due to corrosion. Is Satan chewing on your connection to your Father in Heaven? All fixable.

            Whenever I feel like my prayer doesn’t get past the ceiling of my room, I have learned that sin has corroded our connection, but with the Holy Spirit who indwells me, that is quickly repaired. All fixable.

            Bear in mind, sometimes we’re not ready for what we’re asking for, so there’s a delay while He prepares us and arranges our circumstances. Sometimes His answer comes through, reminding us of our childhood, when we begged for more candy than is healthy and our earthly parent hugged us and said “I love you, but no.”

            God’s loving reply always comes; it may be: yes, no, not now, or you’ve got to be kidding.


             So I say to you,: Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find; knock                                                                        And the door will be opened to you.                    Luke 11:9 

               Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful.        Colossians 4:2 

You still don’t find that connection to your Creator? Be sure you own that connection.


               For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23


               For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever

               Believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life/ John 3:16