Some of us are just now realizing A man has just drawn a line for all to see: If you’re not with me, you are against me and he won’t tolerate a “loyal opposition” as election winners of the past have graciously called those who, in their own eyes “barely lost the election.”
This man demands not only obedience, but redefines basic terminology, turning logic on its head. Many times in our history peaceful rallies or demonstrations from crowds begging for their voices to be heard, when infiltrated by a violent infusion of criminals or hotheads, and the resulting chaos being widely considered to be just that: the majority were not blamed for incidents created by a few. Yet now the peaceful assembling of a crowd, also infiltrated by a few enemies of their cause, (friends of his?) this man labeled as a large vicious group aimed on warfare, when they came to plead their petition for fair inclusion which they believed--and still do--was jeopardized.
The heartbreaking outcome is
that most of our voters are too young to see the past few months, and the chaos
to come, have played out just as Hitler’s swallowing
This man called his opposition Hitler’s Nazis. We have allowed so many words to become twisted into meanings foreign to their true nature: This country was founded on moral principles of the Bible and worshipping God with freedom from influence or interference from Government and now we have meekly ignored the court’s rulings to protect us from any influence from worship . Family planning once meant marriage and becoming ready to form a family, teaching one’s own children to become good citizens and to follow the Lord’s precepts. Now it is understood to insure there will be no family through murder. Family planning, just as patterned by King Herod when he ordered murdered all Jewish children under 2 years old, to be sure he killed the Christ Child (he missed). Or by following a false god who demanded worship through infant live sacrifice.
Today very few object to being told their school children must not hear the word “God”, but may freely access and quote from Buddha, Islam, Harry Potter or witchcraft, and ignore any conflicting teaching by their parents, setting a barrier between children and any knowledge of the world’s history of mistakes they could avoid if they recognized today’s headlines compared with ??? (They will have no clue because history is being erased every day—statues torn down, history rewritten by a self-serving generation. Our acceptance of this new version of the world is demanded, despite objections by the generation who lived through this kind of upheaval least once before.
BUT WAIT! Someone else has drawn a line in the sand; He makes a much better offer, good through eternity, but only if we commit our love and loyalty above all else and stay true to Him: Jesus Christ offers His great love to redeem us from this world where sin rules. He has never made a “campaign promise”. Every promise He ever made has been kept in its time. And despite His hatred of Sin’s stranglehold on our world, He remains beside us amidst this unraveling world until He brings us safely Home.
Warranty from a savior who gave His life for our own cannot co-exist with any promises issued by a man who---? rewards those who curry favor from a fickle master? wants to destroy any will but his own?
Tough decision? Not really.