Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Would You Decline an Invitation to a Feast?

Once long ago, while getting acquainted with a new family member, I was unable to find an acceptable rely to her comment "My husband leans toward the Catholic".  What came to mind I rejected:  he could starve to death while leaning on a refrigerator door.  Decades later I learned a reasonable, kinder explanation I wished for on that day.

No one makes a habit of eating only one day per week--Humans require daily recharging of energy to get through their day. Our spirit requires daily recharging to keep us on our daily path. Going to church once a week may give you a needed boost, but not enough to permit you to grow spiritually, to learn the Godly behavior needed to follow our Leader Jesus and serve His kingdom.

The Bible illustrates His truth and provision for His children in the great exodus of His people from Egypt after freeing them from slavery. He didn't tell them to pack provisions for their journey: no one brought food supplies and their entire wardrobe for the journey. After surviving the night of death by obeying God's instructions and eating their dinner--the first Passover feast--they left the next morning, trusting Him to provide for them. Daily for 6 days a week, they would find manna for that day's meal and on Fridays there would be a double helping to cover their Sabbath meal. 

Juist as He provided for their physical needs daily, so He also desires to do for each of us to come to His Word for nourishment of our spirit, encouragement and strength to conquer that day's problems and trials--and expects us to come to His table daily for nourishment, refueling on His wisdom, endurance and courage to triumph over doubts, tribulations, and whispers in our ear straight from our enemy who hates us as he does our Savior Jesus.  

While we may survive frugally on a single helping a week from His table. 1 John 4:11 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.  e, we will never thrive and will miss opportunities to serve His kingdom -- we will arrive in Heaven alone, taking no friend with us, smelling of the fire we narrowly escaped, perhaps our coattails still smoking.

John 13:35 Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. 

1 Corinthians 3:16  Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit dwells in your midst?