Started off perfect. Two people plus God. In slithered Satan. Two people plus Satan. Now it's world 2.0 filled with hate, evil, God's presence only a memory for the miserable couple, now lured from love by greed, barred from their perfect relationship with their Creator. God's world, God's rules! The world still groans from its loss of Eden. We live in the carnage left from this broken family, yet some of us still search for God and, as He promised, Seek and you will find Him, and H, unwilling to make a choice will help you avoid pitfalls created by the fall.
True to our fallen nature, there have often been opportunities to choose Life or various failures-- always with great consequences. Other times we flipped that coin of choice and gambled on the coin landing on edge (what are the odds, really?)
His chosen people, the Jews, knew their history and yet believed in being broadminded and chose to divide their worship of God with other false Gods. The resulting weakness and discord led to their being conquered time and time again, enslaved by their enemies. Their sorrow led them to repent, return to their true God and being restored in His fellowship--not once, but repeatedly throughout history. You might call it a "repent and repeat" philosophy?
Remember when Abraham offered his nephew first choice in quality pasturelands and Lot chose the lush land near a town where heathen gods were in control. He was saved by his uncle by the skin of his teeth--without his wife, left behind because her longing gaze went back to the easy life they had enjoyed there. Enjoyment of evil lasts only for a time, and then the judgment.
Egypt quickly went from a sanctuary to slave master and Israel gladly followed God's servant Moses who freed them to return home, feeding them daily through the desert, their very clothes never wearing out during their long journey. However, their gratitude to God soon wore thin and they again rolled the dice and gambled, splitting their loyalty with an idol, resulting in all those adults, who had shared this heresy, were doomed to die in the desert, leaving their children to enter the Promised Land.
Similar accounts abound throughout the Bible, recounting the frequent failures and renewals of this Yo-yo people.
We're too smart to fall for that, right? We're sophisticated; we can safely juggle morals and desires, vacillate between faith and fun, right and wrong, temporary happiness and soul-deep joy. We're NOT weak; we're broadminded. Problem: deep inside we have a moral compass, a small spot in our spirit designed for God's residence and leadership, which He uses to keep us on our walk with Him. We absolutely cannot travel in two directions at once and get anywhere; we cannot have it both ways. There is no neutral goal. Heads or tails?
Every day, you flip that coin, choosing Who you will honor, follow, obey, serve, love.
No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.” Luke 16:13
Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7