Monday, September 19, 2016

Living on the edge

What is it about us humans that makes us push boundaries? I know the popular view is that’s what creates scientific progress in science, healthcare or knowledge of our universe; didn’t we walk on the moon? After all, we honor genius with Pulitzer prizes, don’t we? Isn’t this urge our best attribute?

Leave it to many of us to allow that same impulse to destroy our future bit by bit, just for the adrenaline rush of danger, based on our false assumption that we won’t carry things too far, won’t really step off that cliff.

We approach an intersection as the green light fades and know we should stop but there’s no one around so it’s safe—we aren’t running that red light, we can get through the intersection on deep orange. Maybe.

Driving into a strange town, rather than asking directions, why do we wander lost until we’re exhausted? Is it pride? A “fake it until you make it” braggadocio?

Although we know it isn’t wise or healthy, we tend to “supersize” a meal, promising to leave most of the fries—we’re really not that hungry, right? Deep in conversation, we soon look down at our plate, our empty plate.

We all know we shouldn’t get involved with someone with questionable morals, but he’s very popular and fun to be around. And I’m smart enough to draw the line and not allow things to go too far, so what’s the harm in going out to some secluded romantic spot, just to talk?

No sane person ever drives off a cliff on purpose. But for a better view or to prove we’re not afraid, but mostly just because we want to get as close to danger as possible while still remaining technically innocent, we take that risk. Without raising guilt, because we aren’t really doing anything wrong--yet. But our front tires reach the edge of the steep hill and the brakes suddenly don’t brake any more and we find ourselves careening out of control.

Our nature draws us to the edge of a moral cliff all too often and it quickly becomes more than our conscience can stop. Our desires can overrule our conscience like the law of gravity overrules our car’s brakes on that steep hill.

Again and again I ask myself, “When will I ever learn to enjoy the view from a safe distance?” Why can’t I do the math of the deadly thrill vs. risk ratio? As in Vegas, the House always wins; the player never wins in this life’s game. Maybe the thing to do is: When Temptation comes knocking, send Jesus to answer the door!

The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?         
                                                                 Jeremiah 17:9
No temptation has seized you except that which is common to man. And God is faithful. He will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear, But when you are tempted, He will also provide an escape so that you can stand up under it.
                                                                 1 Corinthians 10:13

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