From the sidelines, the many ways of worship can seem confusing. It can take so many different forms in different places; even if you confine your interest to followers of Jesus Christ, its practice can vary so greatly from church to church, sometimes it seems like they have very little in common.
Going by first impression from an outsider, attributes noticed in a first visit to a Catholic church is a predominate feeling of reverence, of God's holiness, awe at a powerful, remote God best approached through a priest. A stranger might mistake their many beautiful statues as points of worship. The atmosphere might feel heavy, quiet, somber.
A stranger in a Charismatic church might at first think he had stumbled into a rock concert; the very walls seem to vibrate with joyful noise. He may see people dancing or cheering like they would for a favorite football team. Eagerly members rush to greet and embrace newcomers and envelop them in loving arms. Joy, maybe a frenzy of happiness, sound, and music surround you. It might occur to a first-time visitor that no one there suffers from normal life's problems, or at least they left those concerns at home.
An Evangelical church at worship may seem sober, serious, emphasizing good works, centering around Bible study, worship in music, and seeming to use any opportunity to explain their faith: their mandate is to "leave no one behind on judgment day", by boldly proclaiming their faith. Yet some seem almost to doze, or check their wristwatches as if eager to get on with their after-church day.
In my Grandmother's day, there was little apparent joy in Christian life; there were duty and responsibility and work. Sunday was a holy day limited to worship, rest and family. No domino or card games on the Sabbath. No commerce done on the holy day. Church congregations took responsibility to censure or even ban a member perceived to be unrepentant of his unholy behavior. She summed it up once to my mother, "You weren't put here to have fun." The grace in her life was centered in music. She played piano during the Sunday School hour and raised five of her seven children; two of them became musicians and two singers; one of the singers became a preacher.
Our cultural background may draw us to a particular one of these congregations, and true worship can be found anywhere God's people get together in mutual support, love and worship as they understand the Bible directs the church. God expects any true church to hold itself accountable to encourage and support each other, learning His ways and growing in His likeness.
Spoiler alert: Some congregations rebelled so vigorously at the harsh demeanor experienced in the past that they formed groups out there who profess love without accountability; they refuse to burden their members by labeling their unworthy behavior as sin. If a church tells you "a loving God won't send anyone to Hell", run, do not walk to the exit! Didn't the serpent tell Eve, "Surely, you will not die"? I don't understand it, but I know the Bible teaches there are two possible destinations ultimately; I trust in God's infallible justice and His unfathomable love.
We must look beyond the cultural differences between these forms of worship; it's imperative we look instead at the basis of faith we share. True worship of the one true God should in some measure have all the attributes mentioned above. Even though no single Bible-based church has all the facts, all share a common core value system.
For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. Matthew 24:24
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