In my 88th year God gave me two granddaughters to love and to bless the lives 0f their husbands. I pray for their union and will someday continue to do so before God's throne. There are many pitfalls I could warn these couples against--too many for them to remember. But these few basics can insure your lives together.
In the beginning, there was God. He was lonely perhaps, He purposed to create a companion for Himself. He wanted him to be comfortable so He created a world to engage his interest, in all its complexities and life of every description to keep him busy--boredom would not be a problem-- if there were two together! So He created them man and woman to work side by side in harmony and He created a unique relationship: marriage/
Perfect, before Satan intervened and the two listened to the evil one and thus the One unit became two individuals, each prone to blame their problems on the other. And so, the two lived their lives with one foot in heaven, the other in the world, never completely satisfied--always wanting more, always proving they are not perfect, forgetting their first love: their Creator. God's Son gave His life to purchase the souls of those whom He had created and offers asylum to any who ask.
What is the single most important day of your life, aside from the day of your birth? The day you accepted the gift of life and gained His eternal fellowship.
Forgiven. Pardoned from every sin we will ever commit; how can we dare withhold forgiveness for any small disconnect between us and the partner God gave us (or anyone else)? If we wake every day, remembering gratefully our own pardon from God, small disagreements (and they are all small in comparison to the debt we owe) will never destroy the bond of marriage, God's gift to enrich and strengthen us in our time in this world.
Truly, forgiveness is paramount. Love is NOT a feeling, but something we choose to do. Marriage is between a man and woman and God and nobody wants to disagree with God/ Determine to build up, not tear down your partner, build confidence in each other. Silence is sometimes golden, but not when apologies are needed to mend broken relationships. Go with God together.
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