Saturday, January 15, 2022

Water is Life Indeed

 A father took his son camping, to have fun as well as to help the boy learn to think for himself and make wise decisions for his life. They shared chores in setting up their tent, gathering firewood, planning their days together without any distraction. He took the boy to a spring of pure, cool water and handed him a pail to fill and carry back to camp.

As the boy walked, the heavy pail bumped across the rocky path, spilling and dripping with every step he took. Back at camp, he set down the pail and looked inside--half-empty! No matter how careful he was, this happened every time he made the trip to the spring, and he grew impatient. "I'm doing everything like you showed me. Now there's a hole in the pail! It's because of that rocky, uneven path; I'm thirsty and it's just not fair."

His dad smiled and agreed and took a little cork stopper and a pocketknife out of his pocket, trimmed the cork to size and plugged the hole in the pail. "The path is not perfect" he said. "Not many things in this world are perfect; we have to find a way to get what we need every day." Together they walked back to the spring and refilled their pail. Then he found a fallen tree branch lying nearby and pushed it through the pail's handle. Then they each picked up one end of the branch securing the pail and returned to camp without spilling more than the occasional little splash. 

I am like that little boy. My road is rocky and fraught with problems, but I don't have to carry my pail alone. I know my Father sees the path through this wilderness and will show me the way Home.  He refills my pail every day. And the weight shared is light indeed because the staff between us is strong.  It is called faith. 

It's true! This world is NOT fair, but the next one is.


Monday, January 10, 2022

A Lesson Learned and relearned


 “This hurts me more than it does you.”  Have you said these words to a child you love? Do you remember hearing them from your own parent? It’s a painful memory, either way.


I remember hearing them from my mother when I was about 3 or 4 years of age, with dread in my heart. The worst was not a couple of swats received. It was that cold feeling of separation; perhaps the warm feeling of being loved was lost forever? I remember the terrible loneliness of seeing her walking away and sobbing as I followed, assuring her I loved her, and held my breath until she picked me up and hugged me and said she loved me. Only then would my world be okay.


I was just beginning to understand my freedom to entertain myself had limits. When I did something that I knew was wrong, there would be a reminder. I thank God for her teaching me the way this world worked: even as an adult there would always be penalties or rewards, sooner or later, I needed to learn to avoid those tempting things displeasing to her and later, to God. 


The difference is that as adults, after we ignore His warnings of dangerous places or behaviors, God may wait patiently, silently, for us again to dig ourselves into such a deep hole we can’t get out of without help, and when all else fails, we repent, promising we’ve learned that lesson. He will forgive us, knowing we mean well but more enticing temptations to go our own way are ahead and we must arm ourselves against stumbling into Satan’s traps. Like any teacher, God will allow tests occasionally to help us to see how well we do at avoiding that loss of companionship with our Heavenly Father.


Remember the parental warning: “This hurts me more than it does you” that you never quite believed as a child? Remember the coldness, the isolation of your separation from your parent until it is resolved?  


Remember the cross where He suffered the penalty that we each deserve?


Now, do those occasional little lapses into sin feel so small?



Thursday, January 6, 2022

Troubles? Why, Lord?

 If you haven't run into the devil lately, you think maybe you're both going in the same direction???   I said, do you think----never mind, you heard it right;' you probably just hadn't thought of it that way. 

There' is an answer to your question, but it's multiple choice--you get to pick out the one that applies to you today.

1.Have you wandered off the divine path described in the New Testament? That has a common answer.   A good place to start. If you've noticed God has been silent lately and you wonder why He's stopped speaking to your heart, He's waiting until you realize you're out of step in your walk with Him. He's waiting where you left the path for you to return to continue the interrupted conversation and all is forgiven.  Not gu9ilty, this time?  Keep going.

2. A behavior test? A quick quiz?   Just a hearing test to be sure where you're headed. Never dreamed He'd do that, right? But keep reading.

3. Something suddenly interferes with your brilliant plans to impress God with your genius in His service. Hurt and disappointed, you might be tempted to pout a little. Be patient with God: He may have seen big trouble headed your way from just around the corner. He slowed you down just in time to save you from an unknown tragedy. Your loss was actually a rescue. Thank Him and move on. 

4. Sudden stumbling blocks, unpleasant surprises for no reason you can think of.  Patience, child. One day, sooner than you think, you can look back and remember how you acquired the spiritual muscles to see you through the really bad days that came later, the ones you trudged through without a whimper of self-pity. Oh, yes! Now you see! 

5. Swept up in random disaster--indifferently to anyone in their path--famine, flood, wind or fire?   Why you?  Why not you?   It's true; this world is not fair--but the next one is. Keep a tight grip in Jesus's hand, You will get through it together.

5 Criminal mischief victim?  For this one, review Genesis's account of the defection if our first parents who left open the gate to the perfect garden and the snake walked in (remember the "slithering" he acquired as his punishment after conning Adam and Eve into disobeying God). They gave us the sin nature we all have. No grading on the curve--we're all in the same boat. God gad gave all of us free choice for our lives, No exceptions.  

While in this world, the vandal who stole your car is just doing his job, too bad for you that this world's Justice is imperfect, and he may go scot-free until Judgment Day. Too bad for you he chose a life of crime, but he and you both chose the path you trod. And good for you: God used your experience to remind you He is in control, and whatever you lost was never yours, but God's; He will see you through, reassuring you that in the end, He will prevail above all enemies of His children. Turn to the last page: both you and your oppressor will stand before God's judgment. Remember, God said, "Vengeance is Mine" ((not yours)

6. Someone's watching to see if your reaction is at odds with the person you claim to be? There's always someone watching to see if you walk your talk or does your language during tough times resemble theirs. Now's your time to shine. To prove you have what it takes. You've got spiritual muscles. How did you develop them?   Do you see now what purpose those tough times served? Be proud you're the kid of an awesome Father who, through all the storms, will bring you all the way Home?

So many things God deals with in your behalf that you need never know or worry about, if you simply stay in touch and download his instructions for today, which keep you ready for what tomorrow brings. And remember that God can handle it!

Through it all, remember that everything will be OK in the end. If things aren't OK now, then it's not yet the end!  

Evidence of Truth, Not Intended to be Hidden

Psalm 19:1-4
The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows His handiwork, Day unto day utter speech and night unto night show knowledge. There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard. their line is gone out through ther earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them has He sat a tabernacle for the4 Son.

Beloved, ours is not a blind faith based on wishful thinking but is based on observation oof our world and the unique nature of each person we see. Only the spiritually blind man, denying authority and honor due our King, refuses to see truth of God's existence and His nature and His great love for His creation.

How else to explain the staggering wealth, beauty and provision for our guidance, down to the tiniest created detail and beyond the farthest star? 

Mark 4:21-25                                                                                                                             “A lamp is not brought to be put under a basket, is it, or under a bed? Is it not brought to be put on the lampstand? 22“For nothing is hidden, except to be revealed; nor has anything been secret, but that it would come to light. 23If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.” 24And He was saying to them, “Take care what you listen to. By your standard of measure it will be measured to you; and more will be given you besides. 25“For whoever has, to him more shall be given; and whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him." 

Jesus directed our gaze to the beauty of a short-lived lilly of the field, which He described, saying "If they, who live for a day and are gone, are clothed more richly than King Solomon. the richest man in history, would not I do the same for you?"

Isn't this a staggering illustration of His thoughtful preparation of every step of our path to Him? It thrills my heart every time I read or speak this passage.

Whoever sees the truth and seeks the Author and Father of us all will be rewarded; those who reject His light and prefer to ignore His marvelous evidence doom themselves to eternal separation from God and will in no way inherit life in His Kingdom.

I thank God for His timing in my birth, that I reached 8th grade of school when a class called Choral Reading existed and thrived, teaching me to examine God's world as a child discovers the wonder of his own fingers and toes, simply and thoroughly. Memorizing this reading taught me to keep my eyes on the beauty and wonder of His world, which became the irreplicable backbone leading to complete recognition of the sovereignty of God and His unquestioned right to become revered and obeyed as our Creator, Provider, Savior and Lord.

Remembering the eternal blessings received from being offered access to world-changing view on this life and the next in school was a marvelous gift from God, which our children will never know; instead, they are forbidden to pray to Him and taught about all the various false religions and self-soothing lifestyles this world has developed to avoid acknowledging their God, which will ultimately fail them! 

God has said in Isaiah 45:23: "I have sworn by myself, the word is gone out of my mouth in righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear." 

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

If You're not dead, You're Not Done Part 3 Trilogy

 Dr. Jeremiah mentioned this today and I can confirm this truth. There is no Retirement Plan for the army of God. 

The world's view of mankind is that their lives go downhill inevitably. While physically this is often true, it is not true of the spirit and the mind, which can continue on its path until its last day on this earth, if preserved by a prayerful life in God's will.

Often God blesses His child with great compensations replacing lost mobility and strenuous activity. replacing frenetic physical work with enriched mental and spiritual wisdom, now there is time to meditate on long years sustained, blessed, preserved by God, enabling us to look back on long years of struggle in facing uncertainty and the unknown and now see no fear, doubts, pain past events, which were once both, just a page in the panorama left behind and the added strength and grace looking back as each crushing blow becomes merely a day in the life God gave us.

Would this loving Creator and Savior preserve the memories, experience and absolute knowledge of His sure hand leading me to such daily communion with my Lord just for my own assurance and joyfully pleasant way to spend this time with Him, less distracted with things of this world, when I know there are many who have not yet met Him, or who struggle with fear and doubt, who don't yet have long history with Him, which will someday offer such blessings. 

While I have tongue, keyboard and functioning mind to encourage someone still on a part of this uphill road I passed perhaps decades ago, how can I not? Soon I will no longer remain able to speak directly to my brothers and sisters (and at almost 90 years; but while I look forward to that day and while I am not yet dead, I must continue to abide in faith and truth.

“‘But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.’”    (Acts 1:8)  

Tell Archippus: “See to it that you complete the ministry you have received in the Lord.” Col. 4:17

David also said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Do not be afraid or discouraged, for the LORD God, my God, is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you until all the work for the service of the temple of the LORD is finished.    Chronicles 28:20

For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.  Romans 11:2912      

        The righteous man will flourish like the palm tree, 12 He will grow like a cedar in Lebanon. 13Planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God.  14They will still yield fruit in old age; They shall be full of sap and very green, Psalm 92:12 - 14

                     If you're not dead, you are not done!

Planning Ahead Part1 Trilogy

 Life is hard. Accept the challenge or surrender to fear, self-pity or ego.

Soothing your hurt feelings by finding something pleasant to distract you from this truth is one way to go. But this road is a dead end sooner or later and you keep craving greater distractions to hide you from this truth. Look around at your traveling companions. Do you see a few who seem content even though they spend less energy in trying new adventures? What is their secret?

If you were blessed by parents who were Jesus followers, look back--they had lots of problems, yet somehow, they remained optimistic and never seemed to completely give up, never compromising their moral standards, never sought distraction, never seemed to rebel against the strait-laced life you now reject.  Why were they happy with the little they had? What are you missing?

They planned ahead--way ahead! They saw the long game, seeing beyond fun for a day that bores you tomorrow. They were willing to work through problems--bumps in the road--without becoming hopeless in their vision for a better day they believe has been promised for their future. What did they know that you have disregarded? Think back to your childhood, squirming uncomfortably in that church pew, and remember bits of what you heard then. Re-examine the crossroads when you rejected their choices and made your own plan for success. You surely remember a single Bible verse: Start from there: John 3:16.

          For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever                                          believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.     John 3:16

Maybe you were not blessed (yes--blessed, Beloved!) with Christian parents who were more interested in what kind of person you would become than they did about your daily happiness, even though you failed to appreciate it then. Instead perhaps they kept you supplied with every toy you craved, enabling you to think that the world owed you whatever you desired at the moment, leaving you without the spiritual muscle to face  any adversities the world brings to your door.                                                                                                                                                                                                           Or perhaps their life struggles left no room to guide and care for you, leaving you to be taught by the damaged world around you.  No excuses, friend. You had radio and TV and probably Christian friends sharing a new way to live. You have the beauty and precision down to the tiniest detail from the stars to mosquitoes to testify to God's presence and great love for you. All there for you to find, if you will become a treasure hunter!

         The heavens tell of the glory of God; And their expanse declares the work of                                          His hands.                                Psalms 19:1

The Bible is there for you to feed on and grow strong, to face whatever this world brings, up to and including death. The Old Testament declares God created all there is, Because He loves each person that He created to become His companions, this part of the Book goes beyond our early history and delivers over 700 prophecies of His promised redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus to pay the sin debt for each one who accepts this free gift--all its prophecies around Jesus's life, death, resurrection have been fulfilled. The New Testament describes this coming Savior, His time in this world, the anointing of His disciples and their broadcasting this great love and our mandate to continue sharing this wonder above all wonders to the hungry world around us--though many may never realize their hunger can only be satisfied by His presence within their hearts.

How can we fulfill our appointed task?

Our Job Description Part 2 Trilogy

 So, now you're saved.  What's changed in your life?

Not much?  Oh, you have no doubt found a few habits you are now uncomfortable with, that seem to have no place in your new life and you're trying to "clean house" but though you've been concentrating on their removal, they stubbornly hang on. 

That doesn't work--remember the rule "Whatever you do, don't think about a purple elephant"? Your mind is a vacuum, filled by whatever you prioritize. The only way to delete something is by replacing it with some that will serve you better.  Replace something bad for you with something beneficial, something that gives strength or wisdom. As you run across a Bible verse that seems to bear on your current concern, memorize it or add it to your journal so you can readily return to it as needed. Think of it as arrows in your quiver for another stormy day of battle, Kemosabe, because you will need all the ammunition in your arsenal against The Enemy, all the inner strength in your spirit, muscles to keep yourself on the right path and guidance to protect your neighbor from a destructive path.

Don't engage the Enemy without a plan or without becoming armed with Scripture and prayer. Any soldier will tell you, preparation, training and complete faith in your Leader must precede your battle. The life you have chosen will be an ongoing battle with an enemy well-versed in warfare by deceit, temptation, lies/to remind you how powerless He thinks you are. 

You don't feel it? Read the training manual (the Holy Bible, God's Word, your guarantee of ultimate success). You will be trained on the job and expertise comes with experience and the feeling of confidence comes when you look at your yesterdays' successes with Him. You may never feel ready to begin but He is! Never leave home without Him/

Above all, don't sit passively by, watching the battle of good vs. evil. Stop sitting around waiting for the Holy Spirit to zap you instantly into the saint you already are, and you just don't realize yet.  Behave like a saint and you will believe you are one. You may never feel ready or good enough (no one is) Show up, suit up, Buttercup, for a thrilling, bumpy road ahead. You didn't think this journey would be a picnic after the experience of Jesus, did you?    It is soooo worth it.

r the Holy Spirit to Zap you into becoming a saint instantly--you had Him when you said yes to Jesus--He now is your daily Companion--He's ready when you are!  He goes where you go! Report for duty; you now are under command of the One who triumphs and retains complete control of the world He created for all His faithful followers. Hallelujah!