If you haven't run into the devil lately, you think maybe you're both going in the same direction??? I said, do you think----never mind, you heard it right;' you probably just hadn't thought of it that way.
There' is an answer to your question, but it's multiple choice--you get to pick out the one that applies to you today.
1.Have you wandered off the divine path described in the New Testament? That has a common answer. A good place to start. If you've noticed God has been silent lately and you wonder why He's stopped speaking to your heart, He's waiting until you realize you're out of step in your walk with Him. He's waiting where you left the path for you to return to continue the interrupted conversation and all is forgiven. Not gu9ilty, this time? Keep going.
2. A behavior test? A quick quiz? Just a hearing test to be sure where you're headed. Never dreamed He'd do that, right? But keep reading.
3. Something suddenly interferes with your brilliant plans to impress God with your genius in His service. Hurt and disappointed, you might be tempted to pout a little. Be patient with God: He may have seen big trouble headed your way from just around the corner. He slowed you down just in time to save you from an unknown tragedy. Your loss was actually a rescue. Thank Him and move on.
4. Sudden stumbling blocks, unpleasant surprises for no reason you can think of. Patience, child. One day, sooner than you think, you can look back and remember how you acquired the spiritual muscles to see you through the really bad days that came later, the ones you trudged through without a whimper of self-pity. Oh, yes! Now you see!
5. Swept up in random disaster--indifferently to anyone in their path--famine, flood, wind or fire? Why you? Why not you? It's true; this world is not fair--but the next one is. Keep a tight grip in Jesus's hand, You will get through it together.
5 Criminal mischief victim? For this one, review Genesis's account of the defection if our first parents who left open the gate to the perfect garden and the snake walked in (remember the "slithering" he acquired as his punishment after conning Adam and Eve into disobeying God). They gave us the sin nature we all have. No grading on the curve--we're all in the same boat. God gad gave all of us free choice for our lives, No exceptions.
While in this world, the vandal who stole your car is just doing his job, too bad for you that this world's Justice is imperfect, and he may go scot-free until Judgment Day. Too bad for you he chose a life of crime, but he and you both chose the path you trod. And good for you: God used your experience to remind you He is in control, and whatever you lost was never yours, but God's; He will see you through, reassuring you that in the end, He will prevail above all enemies of His children. Turn to the last page: both you and your oppressor will stand before God's judgment. Remember, God said, "Vengeance is Mine" ((not yours)
6. Someone's watching to see if your reaction is at odds with the person you claim to be? There's always someone watching to see if you walk your talk or does your language during tough times resemble theirs. Now's your time to shine. To prove you have what it takes. You've got spiritual muscles. How did you develop them? Do you see now what purpose those tough times served? Be proud you're the kid of an awesome Father who, through all the storms, will bring you all the way Home?
So many things God deals with in your behalf that you need never know or worry about, if you simply stay in touch and download his instructions for today, which keep you ready for what tomorrow brings. And remember that God can handle it!
Through it all, remember that everything will be OK in the end. If things aren't OK now, then it's not yet the end!