Life is hard. Accept the challenge or surrender to fear, self-pity or ego.
Soothing your hurt feelings by finding something pleasant to distract you from this truth is one way to go. But this road is a dead end sooner or later and you keep craving greater distractions to hide you from this truth. Look around at your traveling companions. Do you see a few who seem content even though they spend less energy in trying new adventures? What is their secret?
If you were blessed by parents who were Jesus followers, look back--they had lots of problems, yet somehow, they remained optimistic and never seemed to completely give up, never compromising their moral standards, never sought distraction, never seemed to rebel against the strait-laced life you now reject. Why were they happy with the little they had? What are you missing?
They planned ahead--way ahead! They saw the long game, seeing beyond fun for a day that bores you tomorrow. They were willing to work through problems--bumps in the road--without becoming hopeless in their vision for a better day they believe has been promised for their future. What did they know that you have disregarded? Think back to your childhood, squirming uncomfortably in that church pew, and remember bits of what you heard then. Re-examine the crossroads when you rejected their choices and made your own plan for success. You surely remember a single Bible verse: Start from there: John 3:16.
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16
Maybe you were not blessed (yes--blessed, Beloved!) with Christian parents who were more interested in what kind of person you would become than they did about your daily happiness, even though you failed to appreciate it then. Instead perhaps they kept you supplied with every toy you craved, enabling you to think that the world owed you whatever you desired at the moment, leaving you without the spiritual muscle to face any adversities the world brings to your door. Or perhaps their life struggles left no room to guide and care for you, leaving you to be taught by the damaged world around you. No excuses, friend. You had radio and TV and probably Christian friends sharing a new way to live. You have the beauty and precision down to the tiniest detail from the stars to mosquitoes to testify to God's presence and great love for you. All there for you to find, if you will become a treasure hunter!
. The heavens tell of the glory of God; And their expanse declares the work of His hands. Psalms 19:1
The Bible is there for you to feed on and grow strong, to face whatever this world brings, up to and including death. The Old Testament declares God created all there is, Because He loves each person that He created to become His companions, this part of the Book goes beyond our early history and delivers over 700 prophecies of His promised redemption through the sacrifice of Jesus to pay the sin debt for each one who accepts this free gift--all its prophecies around Jesus's life, death, resurrection have been fulfilled. The New Testament describes this coming Savior, His time in this world, the anointing of His disciples and their broadcasting this great love and our mandate to continue sharing this wonder above all wonders to the hungry world around us--though many may never realize their hunger can only be satisfied by His presence within their hearts.
How can we fulfill our appointed task?
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