Not your bank balance--I'm not interested in that. Current estimates by scientists place the chemicals comprising your physical dwelling at around $600.00. (But don't try to convince your bank to advance a loan with this as collateral!)
Your worth depends on the family and friends or admirers, who appreciate something good or unique they see in you. Of course, politicians and those in leadership roles believe they are far more valuable, but our own opinions have no impact on the basic value of all of us. We spend each day either selfishly, for our pleasure or invest it in lives of others who could use our love and help; either way, each day can never be a do-over: We're here today, gone tomorrow.
Each of us form opinions of ourselves, often changing, based on our latest accomplishment or failure, and comparison with others. But there is One whose opinion of us is most important. If you're not sure, reread the Christmas story and the Easter story. Picture His life in Heaven, in His Father's palace
What value does Jesus Christ see in you? He knew you long before He placed you in an earth-suit, a temporary dwelling which fit you to live in this world. He decided when you would enter the world, which parents would raise you, all the obstacles you will face in this world and offers wisdom when you ask how to deal with our days--if you ask!
Some days are harder than others, much harder! He knows about those. He was thinking of you when He left His Father's side and came into this sinful, damaged world to offer His life for yours, accepting the death penalty each of us deserve for our sinful, selfish lives. Why would he give Himself to save those who loved themselves instead of honoring God? How can we choose to continue living for a moment's pleasure, when Eternity with Him in Heaven is available to us, the moment we accept His great love?
God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. 2 Corinthians 5:21
The bolts of your gates will be iron and bronze, and your strength will equal your days. Deuteronomy 33:25
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