A good memory is a gift from God. When you reach the point of spending your days at home when everyone else is out--still earning a living--and you're free to review (and enjoy if you outgrew any bitterness, preferring to filter what were painful days unto growth days as you learned the benefit gained from those "life lessons" as you look back at all wisdom and maturity gained.)
Free from any pressure as a child, we never had to choose for ourselves our future, our identity--when we couldn't yet decide whether to go for the softball team or the spelling bee. Can you imagine the freedom we had left time for things now legally blocked from our children's agenda. Can you imagine being responsibility for who or what you will become at an age when you couldn't decide what to have for lunch? All we had to complain about was having to memorize what we often considered boring.
And the funny thing is, what we thought then would be boring actually ended up as pleasant memories. It probably pleased our parents when we performed in public as we learned a new skill, Choral Speaking! Like a speaking choir, but no music. Memorizing long passages of scripture and performing in public--school auditorium, local churches enjoyed our performances and so did we.
And would you believe, most of the scriptures I ever memorized were these same scriptures and I still remember now, some 75 years later! Even now I find myself quoting them and feeling joyful. Those very words answer lots of grown-up's questions many people struggle with throughout their lives. Not me. Tucked away in my heart, these words helped lead me to the great love from our Creator, Savior and Life Coach, who gave us this temporary world to grow wisdom and maturity to ready ourselves to share His kingdom and His love throughout eternity.
What are your kids learning in school? Probably most will earn to Follow the Leader--he's always right, Don't make him angry or you will be sorry. It's up to you to introduce them to the true Leader, a loving Master who can guide each of us through the muddy streets of this world and give each of us the key to the golden celestial door to His kingdom, avoiding the death waiting for the "Leaders" who control this world and think they will control the next!
The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.2Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge.3There is no speech nor language, where their voice is not heard. Psalm 19:1-3
choral readings of scripture, and we were filled with pride
we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Cor. 4:18
We on the ocean in a boat, safe unless we let water in or if we leave the boat "The burden that you are carrying can be a blessing if you trust in God. He can turn your burden into victory. He can turn your trials into triumph. We can rest easy at night, knowing that our Father holds our tomorrow in His hands." Dr Michael Youssef
Memories...a Blessing, especially when you see how GOD has orchestrated your path. It may not exactly be as HE proposed, but we eventually get there. He is so faithful to keep us close in the good, bad, and ugly.