Saturday, November 18, 2017


When I was very young, about 20 years old, I remember earnestly praying for God to guide me, to show me His will for my life. The more silent His response, the more fervently I prayed, but alas, the yellow brick road never appeared! I was looking for revelation of where and what I was supposed to be 20 years ahead, so I could hone my skills and somehow reach that plateau God and I had in mind.

As it turned out, I can see flaws in my plan and can see the pattern of my growth as it has occurred and can see the resemblance to the Biblical plans referenced as 40 days or 40 years as they are recorded; the Israelites languishing in the desert 40 years because of fear and rebellion, Moses' flight and lengthy exile far from his ultimate destiny (time God used to refine and prepare him for service), Noah's 40 days in the ark, Jesus's 40 days facing Satan in the desert and His 40 days on earth after resurrection before returning to His throne in Heaven.

Like an infant who depends on others to feed him until he matures and becomes able to take responsibility for his own future, a young Christian may live from Sunday to Sunday, fed by his Pastor. Some, like me, linger in this state, growing very slowly, for years, before actively searching spiritual meat for themselves, before hearing God speak clearly to their spirit.

It seems God’s plan is to teach us one truth daily, one command or instruction, instead of over-whelming us with knowledge of the rocky road ahead. (Think: If Jesus had foretold His apostles the horrible deaths waiting ahead, who would follow?) Once we obey that instruction, He will give us another—a ladder we climb one step at a time. However, until we obey what He has told us, He will remain silent. But we don’t remain poised on that level, we slide backward, like the game Chutes and Ladders—but there is a penalty in sliding back: loss of fellowship and guidance from our Father while we stumble in the dark.

Though I was saved and baptized by the age of 8, I now see I was developing very slowly, maintaining week to week on sermons I heard, coasting the rest of the week, until I attended a life-changing revival at age 40. Suddenly I was ravenous for God’s written word and listening for His voice in my heart. I felt complete, filled with new knowledge, strong faith and confidence, fearless for my future, though this was a time of great turmoil, losing my mother, soon after losing my marriage, with 2 daughters nearing adulthood. I stopped worrying, gave worry to God, where it belonged.

I was happy now and complacent, living at this new level for about another 40 years—until age and health began to limit my life to a smaller existence, a time of reminiscence and awareness of missed opportunities no longer available and a sense of urgency for those few souls still in my part of the world to know our Savior. He has given me a new hunger and boldness, a passion, to share things He has taught me, even to deaf ears. My job now to speak; His to open ears and hearts.

Come soon, Lord!

             But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount
             up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and
             not faint.                                  Isaiah 40:31

             Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall 
             be filled.                                   Matthew 5:6    

I pray when I leave this world, I can kneel at His throne and say:

            I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.
                                                                  2 Timothy 4:7



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