Saturday, November 4, 2017

Here We Go Again

Have you ever found yourself facing a problem, one you thought you had resolved before, and you find yourself stumbling toward the answers you thought you had locked in? That’s where I am today. It’s just like Windows 8 all over again. I came so close to giving up.

See, I know me. Just as my feet no longer dance through their day, my brain, though still there (praise the Lord), no longer absorbs great lumps of facts in a sprint—I have to settle into a marathon or sit in my recliner in front of the TV and grow moss on my brain.

Once again I have taken the challenge to venture further into this new millennium. I traded my cute little flip phone for the smart-alec phone. At least, that’s what I call it now. Someday it will mean more to me or so I tell myself.

After the first week, I’m familiar with the alarm clock and can make a call. Sandy waves her hands across its screen and many wondrous things flash by my eyes, then disappear once she hands it back to me.

Remembering my love/hate relationship with Windows 8, I recall how I survived and realized here we go again! Take notes this time, Doris—the subject is bound to arise again; you’re not going away any time soon, so get with the program: start small, exercise a little every day instead of cramming for the exam—that doesn’t work any more, build those powerful muscles behind your eyes little by little, day by day, and never quit, never give up. And this new phone will give you a few of its secrets as you go!

I may be slow, but this time I think I’ve got it.

Just like the daily walk—not sprint—with God. In this life you can never learn all the wonderful promises in His Holy Bible, never perfectly follow His path. No one can, so don’t give up. Just keep practicing using those verses you learn along the way to keep you on His path without letting doubts discourage you and steal you away. You'll get there.

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